Dear Mr/Ms,
European Network of Physiotherapy in Higher Education (ENPHE), by means of the working groups Facilitation of Learning Working Group and Research Working Group, is working on a new project to explore needed competences to work with our patients in an online and real time setting. The main goal is to develop a competency framework and create appropriate education.
Due to Covid19, at a professional level there has been an increment in the provision of healthcare at distance and an exponential growth of virtual teaching and virtual interactions on an educational level. Professionals have adapted their way of interacting with patients online by trial and error. Therefore, there is a demand on identifying competencies required and developing focused courses addressing these for healthcare professionals as “virtualists”.
The aim of this survey is to identify the needed competences for Health Care Professionals as “virtualists”. The questions have been developed following the physiotherapeutic process (patient history/anamnesis, assessment, treatment and patient education).
We are asking not only to ENPHE members, but we are also interested in other region perspectives. So we are asking you for feedback about specific knowledge, attitude and skills needed when interacting with our patients in an online and real time setting. If you have any additional questions you wish to add, there is space to so at the end of the survey.
Your input is valuable for the development for needed competences for Health Care Professionals as “virtualists”. Thank you for taking the time (approx. 10 minutes) to complete this survey.
You can go to the form by clicking the following link:<,1,1TfloAQwIUDJLbp_JjXqa66cC-Qyw1RgxBE6J5qLvaWqrWQlHepQjqrEM_PVZiOYC9zcefkWOAWovVGlkcTRkzqdWwVMANABj4CrRmCN_Xzm&typo=1>
Please, we will really appreciate if you can send it to your colleagues in your institution who are teaching physiotherapy students, as well as to your students.
Deadline: 15th June

On Behalf of,
Facilitation of Learning WG and Research WG of ENPHE

Griselda Gonzalez-Caminal
Clinical Simulation Coordinator for Medical Studies – Coordinadora de Simulació Clínica dels estudis de Medicina
Physiotherapy Lecturer – Docent dels estudis de Fisioteràpia

UVic – UCC
Av. Universitària, 4-6  08242 Manresa
Tel. 93 877 41 79 –<>