Stavros Apostolopoulos
Office No: 119
Tel: 22310 60224
E-mail: apostolopoulos@uth.gr
Students Reception
Monday: –
Tuesday: –
Wednesday: 08:00-12:00
Thursday: –
Friday: –
Technical Personnel (ETEP) in the research laboratory of “Human Performance & Rehabilitation” at the Department of Physiotherapy of the University of Thessaly.

Louiza Damianidou
Office No: 115
Tel: 22310 60174
E-mail: ldamianidou@uth.gr
Students Reception
Monday: –
Tuesday: –
Wednesday: –
Thursday: –
Friday: –
Louiza Damianidou is a Laboratory Teaching Personnel (ETEP) member in the Department of Physiotherapy at the University of Thessaly. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing (1987) from the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Larissa and a Master’s Degree in Health Unit Management from the Hellenic Open University of Patras (2003). She has participated as a member of the scientific committee in a postgraduate clinical oncology seminar and has also contributed to Greek and European conferences with presentations and papers. She has professional and teaching experience, published work, and is a member of the Research Laboratory of Clinical Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation at the University of Thessaly.

George Daskalopoulos
Office No: 111
Tel: 22310 60240
E-mail: gdaskalopoulos@uth.gr
Students Reception
Monday: 10:00-12:00
Tuesday: 10:00-12:00
Wednesday: 09:00-12:00
Thursday: –
Friday: –
Technical Personnel (ETEP) in the research laboratory of “Human Performance & Rehabilitation” at the Department of Physiotherapy of the University of Thessaly.

Vasiliki Gogou
Office No: 119
Tel: 22310 60-
E-mail: vasilikigogou@uth.gr
Students Reception
Monday: 16:00-17:00
Tuesday: –
Wednesday: 16:00-17:00
Thursday: 16:00-18:00
Friday: –
Vasiliki Gogou belongs to the Technical Personnel of the Department of Physiotherapy of the University of Thessaly. She has a basic degree in Physiotherapy (1993)
from the TEI of Athens. She is a member of the Research Laboratory of Clinical Physiology of Exercise and Rehabilitation of the University of Thessaly. She has attended a lot of postgraduate courses and specialized clinical seminars. She has been member of research teams. She has published, participated in scientific conferences and also presents authorial and rich clinical work.
Member of “Clinical Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation” Lab.